Water Fountain

A Water Fountain provides constantly flowing water from a waterfall animating your pet to drink. Do you find that your cat only seems interested in drinking from taps or outdoors? Many cats prefer fresh-flowing, oxygenated water. Encourage your cat to drink more water, reducing chances of potential urinary issues, by providing them with a fun water drinking experience. Water fountains are recommended by vets for this reason


Slicker Brush

A Slicker Brush is a fantastic tool for removing loose fur and leaving your cat with a glossy coat.

The pins of the brush are soft and bendy, and glide through the coat to remove loose hairs from both the undercoat and topcoat.

The slicker brush can be used to gently detangle knots and matting in longer fur.

Grooming a cat helps maintain a smooth and glossy coat and can be a lovely way of bonding with your pet.

Regular grooming to remove loose hair, particularly when your cat is moulting, will lessen the amount of fur they ingest when grooming themselves which will reduce fur balls and associated problems. Regular grooming will also reduce the amount of shed fur around the home. 

  • Eases tangles and mats

  • Removes dead hair from undercoat and topcoat

  • Stimulates hair follicles to promote hair health

  • Fluffs up and beautifies the coat